Photos of the symposium
Two weeks ago the symposium was held about photonics.
Photos of that day are available at thor.edu.
Speaker: Ronald Broeke
Ronald Broeke of Bright Photonics has confirmed to speak at the symposium.
The talk of Ronald Broeke wil be about “From enlightened idea to Photonic IC”.
There are many steps along many possible paths between an application idea and a packaged PIC. A multitude of unique applications exist which (can) benefit from PICs, and there are many PIC technologies to choose from. This presentation gives an overview on the design of PICs; The technology options, how we choose between them, and the tooling we use to design and realize PICs.
Speaker: Boudewijn Docter
Boudewijn Docter of Effect Photonics has confirmed to speak at the symposium.
Boudwijn Docter wil speak about the Applications of PICs in telecommunication networks.
Research on Photonic Integrated Circuits has a long history in The Netherlands. EFFECT Photonics is a young start-up company that is connecting this research to real world applications in optical fiber communication networks. But what parts of the network benefit the most of the strengths of photonic integration? What are the sweet-spots? And which problems still need to be solved to enable large scale deployment of this technology?
Preliminary program
A preliminary program has been published see Program